Rhino Equipment


Javier Cardenas



Javier Cárdenas is the President and CEO of  Équipement de Rhino; part of the group’s Co-founders; member of the Board of Directors of the Portfolio of Companies; early stage investor and architect of the Group products in the United States and Global market.

Leadership in Economic Policy and Business Networks

Additionally Javier is responsible for Rhino’s North American and global operations, including sales, marketing and construction, mining, government and strategic group support around the world. His task is to meet the increasingly demanding market needs and to grow the company. Thanks to the strategic plan the company has positioned itself in more than 80 countries.

Additionally, Javier is in charge of production at Rhino Equipment’s headquarters in North America, where the company distributes and manages the whole array of heavy equipment. Javier has broad knowledge of the heavy machinery industry, and has an impressive track record of over 26 years of experience in this sector. Thus, he is well positioned as a forward-thinking and dynamic entrepreneur that continually seeks the advancement of Rhino EQ.

Javier’s business career has led him to become a member and participant of numerous global conventions. They comprise business leaders and congressmen working for the freedom and prosperity of the region. Basically, generating business in North, Central, South America and other territories. Thus, contributing to the economic growth of the continent and having a positive social impact.

Global Engagement and Business Advocacy

He has been a member of the US Chamber of Commerce  for the benefit of AACCLA in Washington, DC; he has attended the White House’s Export Trade Agenda and presented the TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (TPP) to the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America and the Caribbean (AACCLA) with his conference “Outlook on the Americas.” As a business leader, he also attended a convention in the USA, that included the the Governor of Florida, and supported North American leaders and companies, promoted growth and job generation. In this light, Rhino is a pioneer that increases exports to Latin America for urban development, public highway concessions, river systems and responsible mining, among others.

Javier is a member of the Board of Advisors of the Adam Smith Center for Economic Freedom-FIU, thereby supporting the vision where government policy and free markets intersect. It serves as an independent, nonpartisan, world-class think tank, which aims to inform, influence and inspire current and future leaders to develop and implement innovative, meaningful and effective policies that advance individual liberty and human prosperity.

He is also an active member of the Board of Directors of the Consejo Empresarial Alianza por Iberoamérica (CEAPI, Spanish acronym). It is a business council comprised of 225 CEOs from the largest Ibero-American companies, committed to strengthen business networks and space. Its vocation is to contribute and promote trusting relationships between businessmen in order to grow and strengthen the fabric of Ibero-American businesses.

Javier has actively participated in the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA, Spanish acronym). It is an international non-governmental forum comprised by former Heads of State of Latin America. He participated in the VII Presidential Dialogues, that analyzed the main global and hemisphere wide events. It encompasses civil society and international public opinion; it observes and studies Ibero-American democratic processes and experiences; it reflects on the ways and means of installing democracy in places where it does not exist or to reconstitute it in places where it has deteriorated; it also promotes the defense and respect of the governments that espouse it.

The CEO of Rhino Equipment, Javier Cárdenas, together with several business leaders were invited to Miami Dade College’s great event, where it hosted Former Presidents and discussed the multiple problems that countries of the hemisphere face, like post-pandemic scenarios and conflicts that have, potentially, a global scale. However, it emphasized the relevance and importance of the business sector in terms of job creation and its fundamental role for economic recovery after the global health emergency.

Alexandre Borel

Vice président


Alex Borel is the vice president and member of the board.

Il est responsable de la direction de toutes les questions juridiques d'entreprise et des programmes de responsabilité sociale des entreprises, des affaires gouvernementales, de l'immobilier, ainsi que des entreprises de gestion et professionnelles du monde entier.

Il a travaillé avec une grande variété d'entreprises à travers l'entreprise, Alex Borell a étudié le droit, il supervise donc la comptabilité, le soutien aux entreprises, la planification et l'analyse financières, la trésorerie, les fusions et acquisitions, les relations avec les investisseurs, l'audit interne et les fonctions fiscales dans Rhino EQ.

Jean Brun

Directeur d'entreprise

John Brown est directeur d'entreprise et représentant des ventes et du service, il est responsable du développement et de la croissance des activités de comptes directs de Rhino en Amérique du Nord. Le rôle de Brown comprend la mise en œuvre de stratégies de vente et de service pour renforcer les partenariats de Rhino avec nos principaux clients stratégiques.

Auparavant, il a occupé plusieurs postes de direction senior dans les ventes, le marketing et le développement de produits, ainsi que des postes internationaux seniors en Europe et en Asie.

David Newmann

Directeur d'entreprise

David Newman a occupé plusieurs postes, dont le directeur des opérations, le directeur de la fabrication et, finalement, le directeur de la société et le représentant des opérations de fabrication pour Rhino Equipment.

Depuis le siège nord-américain de Rhino, Newman supervise actuellement les ambitions de croissance de la région dans le domaine des équipements de construction, mais également les efforts mondiaux pour la gamme compacte d'équipements de Rhino.

Jeff Miller

Directeur d'entreprise

M. Miller a une feuille de route exceptionnelle en tant que leader reconnu, avec à la fois une expérience internationale considérable dans une variété d'industries et une vaste expertise en fusions et acquisitions aux États-Unis, en Europe et en Asie.

Responsable du bon fonctionnement, de l'efficacité, de la qualité et de la production de l'empreinte industrielle mondiale de Rhino Equipment, David Newman a occupé le poste de directeur de la société et de représentant des opérations.

Sara Jeune

Directeur d'entreprise

En tant que directrice de l'entreprise et représentante des ventes, Sara a supervisé la stratégie commerciale mondiale de l'entreprise, toutes les régions de vente, les comptes clients clés et le développement de la vente au détail. Conçue pour développer la croissance rentable de la part de marché de Rhino Equipment, Sara a joué un rôle essentiel dans la croissance des activités et des distributions de la société sur les marchés mondiaux.

Sara Young est désormais basée à Shanghai, en Chine, et supervisera toutes les fonctions de vente en Asie. Responsable du développement et de la conduite de la stratégie commerciale de la région.

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