Rhino Equipment


Increase your Earnings

Rhino Equipment offers a complete product line for any type of jobs such as earth moving, construction, demolition, agricultural, forestry, waste management, landscaping, and so many other applications. providing benefits for dealers.

Since Rhino Equipment started with quality products and services in the Hydraulic Hammers Industry more than 25 years ago, it has improved and expanded its portfolio of products to offer to the continuously demanding industry. Rhino Equipment Group Inc 

One Recognized Brand in your Portfolio

Rhino Equipment offers a complete product line for any type of jobs such as earth moving, construction, demolition, agricultural, forestry, waste management, landscaping, and so many other applications. 

If you are already a dealer of other brands, services, or types of equipment or project, our machinery is going to match perfectly with your products in order to get the best results. Nonetheless, if you have never been a dealer of any brand, you will be welcomed with a full range of products on the table, so you can satisfy any customer.

rhino equipment

High Profits and Maximum Reliability

Investing on an Rhino Equipment machine is highly rewarding. It means getting services and solutions for you and your customers by providing them with exceptional quality and durable products at a fair price along with the lowest lifecycle costs.

Looking for sustainability; many of our dealers Réseau mondial can assure us that investing in our machinery means getting several earnings and benefits. Becoming a dealer is a unique opportunity to be an Rhino Equipment leader in your area; also, as getting very profitable earnings with every machine sold. 

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