Rhino Equipment


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Careers Rhino Equipment

Every single employee moves our company forward, contributing piece by piece, part by part, person by person. Together, we create sustainable, world-changing solutions that impact lives around the globe. Join our winning team and help build a better world.

Our culture, like everything at our company, thrives on each employee’s contribution. Person by person, we shape the environment we work in, and we take pride in the Rhino® we’ve built.


The productivity and quality of organizations depend on the individuals who compose them. Each member of RHINO® EQUIPMENT reflects a unique culture guided by our philosophy, mission, vision, principles, policies, and values. From our work ethos to the products and services we deliver with exceptional quality, our collaborators and distributors align their objectives with those of the company. This alignment fosters our culture and corporate essence based on values, high performance, and tangible results. Every person who joins us contributes to shaping and evolving our culture.

Plusieurs aspects rendent RHINO® spécial

We promote independent decision-making by employees.

We openly, broadly, and deliberately share information according to each area.

Nous sommes extraordinairement sincères l'un envers l'autre.

We retain only our highly effective people.

Nous évitons les règles tout en atteignant les objectifs.


Our central philosophy prioritizes people over processes. Specifically, we believe in assembling great individuals to form a dream team. With this approach, we foster a more flexible, enjoyable, stimulating, creative, collaborative, and successful organization. RHINO® EQUIPMENT is characterized by its creation and promotion of an organizational culture shaped by prevalent values and beliefs. These values reflect the organizational way of life and are grounded in principles emphasizing performance, rigor, efficiency, professionalism, and human capital within an environment of respect, recognition, and well-being for all, with the customer as the primary focus.

Our philosophy also emphasizes the competencies of being, knowing, and doing, enabling us to effectively address any business challenges that arise at Rhino® Equipment through our exceptional team, successfully achieving objectives, goals, and performance criteria. .

Notre Philosophie est basée sur : .


Understanding the intrinsic values and principles of each member of RHINO® EQUIPMENT.

Possessing knowledge, technical skills, and professionalism in every member of RHINO® EQUIPMENT.

Demonstrating productivity, performance, and results in every member of RHINO® EQUIPMENT.

Équipe idéale

An ideal team comprises extraordinary individuals who collaborate effectively. Our vision of a great workplace is a team that pursues ambitious goals collectively, fostering continuous improvement and enjoyment in the process. In this environment, highly capable individuals inspire one another to be more creative, productive, and successful as a team than they could be individually


The culture of a society directly influences organizational culture, which, in turn, affects productivity and quality. The behavior of each RHINO® EQUIPMENT collaborator is shaped by our values and traditions. Our company values teamwork, proactivity, responsibility, commitment, fulfillment, reliability, discernment, communication, curiosity, courage, passion, selflessness, innovation, inclusion, integrity, and impact. The more individuals identify with these values and seek colleagues who embody them, the more likely they are to thrive at RHINO® EQUIPMENT.

Travail en équipe

At RHINO® EQUIPMENT we know the importance of working together, so we reduce the time of action and increase efficiency to create synergy and achieve the best results. We are all in the same harmony, coordination, empathy, and work with the recognition of the work well done by and for the achievement of both business and personal achievements.


The members of RHINO® EQUIPMENT do not allow difficult situations to overcome them; they have the initiative to make decisions and take responsibility for making any plan happen. We know what we want to do and how we are going to do it by generating solutions and finding success in all our actions.


It is present in our actions every day, and each collaborator of RHINO® EQUIPMENT seeks to respond to all their tasks and also to the needs of the customer. We make proper use of our autonomy, facing tasks that are entrusted to us, always aimed at finding solutions and obtaining results. We have the ability to respond to any commitment, and fulfillment, being one of our priorities, we guarantee at all times. RHINO® EQUIPMENT is a company in which everyone feels the responsibility to do the right thing to help at each juncture.


Chez RHINO® EQUIPMENT, chacun est disposé à travailler et à donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes ; chaque collaborateur assume ses responsabilités et s'y conforme, en s'impliquant pleinement dans son travail, afin d'atteindre des objectifs, d'obtenir des résultats concrets et de répondre à chacun des besoins et attentes des clients.

Nous acquérons un engagement social en nous souciant de notre environnement ; engagement envers nos clients, en leur assurant le meilleur service ; engagement à obtenir des résultats, puisque nous garantissons l'efficacité et la productivité.


In RHINO® EQUIPMENT we acquire commitments and we are punctual to conclude them; we execute action plans in the time that we propose. We know the value of time and value punctuality in each of our members, as it confirms the professionalism and loyalty of all employees towards the company and our customers. This value allows our constant growth, with the security that we achieve full objectives in a certain time and therefore we guarantee our customer’s compliance with all our services.


Nous garantissons à nos clients, services et gammes de produits une excellence opérationnelle dans un schéma de qualité durable, afin de générer de la valeur et que nos clients se sentent pleinement soutenus et en confiance lors de l'achat et de l'utilisation de nos produits. RHINO® EQUIPMENT assure chaque étape de l'établissement d'une solide relation de confiance avec le client.


In RHINO® EQUIPMENT we make wise decisions despite the ambiguity; we identify the root causes and we go beyond the treatment of the symptoms; we think strategically, we articulate what we are and are not, and always take action; we are good at using data to inform intuition and we make decisions based on the long term, not the short term.


The members of RHINO® EQUIPMENT are concise and articulate in speech and writing; we listen appropriately and we seek to understand before reacting. We keep calm in stressful situations to get clearer thinking. We also adapt our communication style to work well with people from all over the world who may not share the native language and we provide sincere, useful, and timely comments to our colleagues.

The feedback is continuous, and we work with each other in front of an occasional formal exercise.


A collaborator of RHINO® EQUIPMENT learns quickly and enthusiastically, contributes effectively outside his specialty, makes connections that others miss, seeks to understand our members around the world and how they cooperate together, looking for perspectives, alternatives, and, above all, recursive.


At RHINO® EQUIPMENT, you say what you think is best for the company, even if it’s uncomfortable. We make difficult decisions without agonizing, take intelligent risks and are open to possible failures, question actions with our values and are capable of being vulnerable in search of the truth.

La passion

A collaborator of RHINO® EQUIPMENT inspires others with their thirst for excellence. We care about our members and the success of the company. We are persistent and optimistic; we are quietly confident and openly humble.


A member of RHINO® EQUIPMENT seeks what is best for the company, rather than what is best for themselves or their group; they are open-minded in search of great ideas, lend their time to help their colleagues and share information in an open and proactive way.


In RHINO® EQUIPMENT, new ideas are created that are useful; we reconceptualize the problems to discover solutions to difficult problems; we challenge the prevailing assumptions and we suggest better approaches. We keep agile by minimizing complexity, finding time to simplify and like the change in favor of positive results.


RHINO® EQUIPMENT collabore efficacement avec des personnes d'origines et de cultures diverses. Chaque collaborateur nourrit et adopte différentes perspectives pour prendre de meilleures décisions, est curieux de savoir comment nos différents horizons nous affectent au travail, au lieu de prétendre qu'ils ne nous affectent pas, reconnaît que nous avons tous des préjugés et travaille pour les surmonter ; nous intervenons également si quelqu'un d'autre est marginalisé.


Each member of RHINO® EQUIPMENT is known for sincerity, honesty, loyalty, authenticity, transparency, and the fact of not being a politician does not speak behind the backs of their colleagues, admitting mistakes freely and openly and treating people with respect regardless of whether they disagree.


We achieve large amounts of important work; we demonstrate consistently strong performance so that our colleagues can trust us, we make our colleagues better, and we focus on the results of the process.

Quelque chose d'autre nous rend spécial…

Freedom: We rely on our teams to do what they think is best for RHINO® EQUIPMENT, giving them freedom, power, and information to support their decisions.

Disagreement openly: If we do not agree with a material issue, it is our responsibility to explain why we do not agree; the captain informed of that decision has the responsibility to welcome, understand, and consider his opinions.

Captains informed: When faced with a particular decision, if the captain reasonably relies on the correct bet we must take, they decide, and we follow that bet.

No context control: Large independent decision-makers only consult their immediate boss when they are not sure of the right decision. “Do not seek to please your boss, instead, seek to serve the business.“

Highly aligned: We spend a lot of time debating strategies together, and then we trust each other to execute tactics without prior approval.

Looking for excellence: We have more dedicated people with diverse perspectives who try to find better ways so that our talented team works in a more cohesive, agile, and effective way.

Politiques fondamentales de l'équipement Rhino®

Garantir des installations de travail adéquates et une bonne gestion des devoirs et obligations à leurs travailleurs.

Instaurer et pratiquer en interne une communication fluide et continue entre les différents collaborateurs de RHINO® EQUIPMENT, et en externe, également avec les clients et distributeurs.

Garantir la compétence technique du personnel, grâce à une formation adéquate et efficace qui favorise leur formation continue, ainsi que favorise la motivation pour assurer leur participation optimale à toutes les responsabilités de l'entreprise.

Disagreement openly: If we do not agree with a material issue, it is our responsibility to explain why we do not agree; the captain informed of that decision has the responsibility to welcome, understand and consider his opinions.

Captains informed: When the captain of a particular decision reasonably relies on the correct bet we must take, they decide, and we take that bet.

No context control: Large independent decision-makers only consult their immediate boss when they are not sure of the right decision. “Do not seek to please your boss, instead, seek to serve the business.“

Highly aligned: We spend a lot of time debating strategies together, and then we trust each other to execute tactics without prior approval.

Looking for excellence: We have more dedicated people with diverse perspectives who try to find better ways so that our talented team works in a more cohesive, agile, and effective way.


Careers Like all large companies, we strive to hire the best. RHINO® EQUIPMENT provides work opportunities and Careers for integral people, promotes inclusion, diversity, and values excellence, respect, and collaboration, offering the opportunity for our employees to grow professionally and generating employment for students, recent graduates, professionals with or without experience with talent and desire to belong to our company.

The woman in RHINO® EQUIPMENT: We establish gender balance in such a way that it empowers and provides leadership opportunities to all individuals equally, ensuring that regardless of gender, positive results can be achieved.

The student at RHINO® EQUIPMENT: We value new talents that can generate value with fresh, innovative ideas that become active for RHINO® EQUIPMENT, continuing its training cycle.

Professional without experience in RHINO® EQUIPMENT: RHINO® EQUIPMENT works with people of easy adaptability, proactive, and eager to learn, for which we bet on young people who thus have no experience, can easily adapt to the company, give performance, and obtain results.

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