Presentation of the "Sophia Award for Excellence" of the Queen Sofia Spanish Institute

Sophia Award Her Majesty Queen Sofía presided over the delivery of the “Sophia Awards for Excellence” awarded by the Queen Sofía Spanish Institute in New York to the Spanish chef José Andrés, the Mexican businessman Carlos Slim and the Spanish historian Carmen Iglesias.

Javier Cárdenas has travelled to attend the event on behalf of Rhino Equipment, and The president of CEAPI, Núria Vilanova, has attended the ceremony for the ‘Sophia Awards for Excellence, awarded by the Queen Sofía Spanish Institute in New York, and presided over by Her Majesty Queen Sofía.

The Sophia Award for Excellence honours her name and is awarded to a person or organization that has actively contributed to the international appreciation of Spain and the Hispanic world, especially in the United States. In this way, it coincides with the mission of the Instituto Español Reina Sofía to build closer cultural ties between the Spanish-speaking world and the United States. The event was attended by different personalities from the academic, business and cultural world.

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