High Return On Investment


RAP75T ASPHALT  Rhino tracked paver is ready to tackle the largest jobs, including airports and major highways. It has the power to pull wide lifts and provide pre-compaction, too. Automated controls and well-designed components reduce segregation potential and maximize efficiency.

asphalt paver


A high-performance screed is the result of combining the vibration of the screed plates and the frequency of the tampers. By using the high dead weight of the screed and the extra depth of the screed plates, exceptional pre-compaction values are achieved.

asphalt paver


The operating console and seat form a variably adjustable unit. You can focus on what matters most in the driver’s cab: optimal visibility of the edge of the machine, the hopper, the auger and the screed. 

asphalt paver


The engine compartment with the hydraulic systems is easily accessible from every side, and all the filters can be reached comfortably and centrally from one side.

ModelRhino® SC8D190G2B1
Net Power kW (Hp) @ 2,000 rpm174(233)
Displacement L (cu. In)7.2(439)
Fuel SystemDirect Injection
LubricationFull-flow spin-on filter
Air CleanerUnder-hood, dual element dry type

Min. Paving Width mm (ft)3,000(10)
Max. Paving Width mm (ft)7,500(25)
Max. Paving Depth mm (in)320(13)
Max. Paving Speed m/min (yd/min)19(21)
High Travel Speed kmh (mph)2.9(2)
Track TypeRubber Tracks
Track Width mm (in)320(13)
BrakesDynamic Hydrostatic Braking
Theoretical Productivity t/h (US ton/h)600(661)

Length mm (ft)2,530(8)
Width Closed mm (ft)3,042(10)
Width Open mm (ft)3,182(10)
Volume m3 (cu. Ft)7.0(247)
Capacity Tons (lbs)14(28,000)
Feeding ConveyorsDual feeders, Independent control

Extension ModeHydraulic
Heating ModeGas
Vibration Frequency Hz (vpm)50(3,000)

Fuel Tank L (gal)325(86)
Coolant L (gal)20(5)
Engine Oil L (gal)18(5)
Hydraulic Tank L (gal)300(79)

Overall Length with Standard Screed mm (ft)6,610(21.7)
Overall Length without Standard Screed mm (ft)5,462(17.9)
Screed Transport Width mm (ft)3,042(10.0)
Transport Width Hopper Closed mm (ft)3,042(10.0)
Transport Width Hopper Opened mm (ft)3,182(10.4)
Max. Machine Height mm (ft)4,030(13.2)
Transport Height mm (ft)2,900(9.5)
Length of Track on Ground mm (ft)3,247(10.7)
Hopper Ground Clearance mm (in)508(20.0)
Ground Clearance mm (in)236(9.3)
Track Width mm (in)320(12.6)
Track Gauge mm (ft)2,420(7.9)
Max Paving Width mm (ft)7,500 (25)

RAP75T ASPHALT Integer lobortis scelerisque vulputate. Aliquam mollis sed dui et viverra. Aliquam in auctor ante, sed congue erat. RAP75T ASPHALT also Praesent fringilla pharetra imperdiet.RAP75T ASPHALT Proin a sapien est. Sed porta est nec porttitor dignissim. Maecenas nulla libero, RAP75T ASPHALT bibendum ac enim vel, luctus pharetra neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus euismod Vivamus eleifend eleifend massa, eu posuere nunc laoreet sed. Curabitur at ex sem.
Fusce semper quam mattis ultrices posuere.RAP75T ASPHALT Aliquam eu urna sed lacus convallis porttitor ut vel risus. Curabitur vel ligula id ipsum molestie consequat. Mauris vel velit ac purus viverra also consequat sed quis diam. Proin elit turpis also ligula id ipsum molestie consequat. Mauris vel velit ac purus viverra consequat sed quis diam. Proin elit turpis ullamcorper. Proin id dapibus ante.
at massa et, interdum convallis tellus. Fusce at also tortor elementum, mollis ex non, ornare ante. Fusce malesuada, also Integer lobortis scelerisque vulputate. Aliquam mollis sed dui et viverra. Aliquam in auctor ante, sed congue erat. Praesent fringilla pharetra imperdiet. Vivamus eleifend eleifend massa, eu posuere nunc laoreet sed. Curabitur at ex sem. Curabitur tincidunt sollicitudin ligula. Morbi quis nibh nec ipsum laoreet consequat non nec nulla. Phasellus quis molestie mauris. Mauris auctor venenatis ante, eu rhoncus eros pulvinar at. Quisque rhoncus non arcu ut vestibulum. Donec luctus varius nibh, sed commodo magna porttitor sit amet. Sed risus nunc, iaculis eget rutrum maximus Duis varius diam vitae finibus egestas. Fusce auctor pretium ornare. Donec non neque eleifend, finibus erat ac, faucibus massa..

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