Rhino Equipment


World Strategic The Global Strategic Forum is organized by the International Economic Forum of the Americas (IEFA) and the Adam Smith Center for Economic Freedom at Florida International University. The mission of the WSF is to address today’s major corporate and governance challenges, while fostering a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges at stake for the Americas within the Global market. The central themes of the WSF revolve around the Global Economy, Finance, Tech, Trade, Energy, Infrastructure, Investment and Legacy Planning.

Javier Cárdenas, President and CEO of Rhino Equipment, attended the event and gave a presentation on nearshoring and the transformation of trade, along with Esteban Villegas, Governor of the State of Durango.

The 12th edition of the conference took place on November 6-7 at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida.

It consisted of a two-day series of compelling, real-time conversations among world leaders dedicated to discussing strategies that will enable society at large to thrive in challenging economic times, where recession-doubled inflation collides with the environmental imperative and digital transition, and how to turn adversity into opportunity.

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