Rhino Equipment


Commerce Dominican Republic

From left to right: Javier Cárdenas, president of Rhino Equipment; Gema Sacristán, General Business Director of IDB Invest; Carlos Díaz-Rosillo, of the Adam Smith Center for Economic Freedom; Jaime Miller, Zonamerica board advisor; Luis – CEAPI – Archive

The Dominican Republic highlights its power as an industrial hub in Latin America

The Minister of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs of the Dominican Republic, Ito Bisonó, has claimed the key role that the country plays in the Ibero-American economy as an industrial power for “important multinationals that have been operating under the free zone regime for years.”

This was stated during his speech on the second day of the V edition of the CEAPI Congress, where the minister underlined the industrial role of the country and its latest trends to place the Dominican Republic and the whole of Ibero-America as a spearhead in the global supply chain.

“We are facing a global context that represents an unprecedented opportunity for our countries and for the free zone regime throughout the Ibero-American region. Therefore, this is the best time to promote greater cooperation and integration at the regional level, to enhance exports and intra-regional trade and attract new investment”, the minister stated.

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